Paweł T. Jochym, PhD
tel: +48 12 66 28 269
Most of my work in physics is focused on solid state physics in application to minerals and nanostructures. My projects range frome mineralogy (e.g. Crust to Core MRTN project) to nanomaterials (e.g. nanoalloys and nanostructures). The results are included in the list of publications.
I am a longtime astronomy lover. For many years I was an active observer of variable stars - in fact my first scientific publication was on eclipsing binaries minima derived from visual observations. I still do some observing from time to time, mainly using publicly available remote telescopes.
I happen to be a founder of Polish Wikipedia edition. I still cooperate with the project as a member of the Polish Wikimedia Foundation, doing mainly outreach and educational work for the project.