Workshop on diffusion, phonons and magnetization dynamics on surfaces and multilayers

Cracow, 30 - 31 May, 2006

Workshop Secretary:

Mrs M.Litwiniszyn
Institute of Nuclear Physics
of Polish Academy of Sciences
ul. Radzikowskiego 152
31-342 Cracow, Poland
phone: +48 12 662 8408
fax: +48 12 662 8458

Registration Form:
To register to the Workshop, please, send  e-mail to:,
before April 24, 2006, with the following information:

There will be no  registration fee. However, the participants are supposed to organize their own travel and accomodation.

One page camera ready abstract, ready for reproduction, should be written in A4 form, and send to as either PostScript file, or PDF file, before April 1, 2006. Abstract should contain: Title, Author's Names, Affiliations, Text of abstract. Figures will be accepted if they can be reproduced by a copy machine. The Organizing Committee will select the abstracts for the oral talks. Notification for the acceptance of the Abstract will be send to the corresponding Author till April 15, 2006.