Workshop on diffusion, phonons and magnetization dynamics on surfaces and multilayers

Cracow, 30 - 31 May, 2006

We have booked some larger ammout of rooms in the hotel metioned below. Please, make there your reservation mentioning "Dynasync":

Price single/double PLN
HOTEL POLSKI "Pod Bialym Orlem"
ul.Pijarska 17
31-015 Krakow, Poland
tel:    +48 (0) 12 422 11 44
fax:    +48 (0) 12 422 14 26
Breakfast included

Hotel Polski is located close to famous place "Barbakan".
It is about 500m from the Krakow Railway Station.

Please, book a room directly at the Hotel  Polski before April 30, 2006.
You should give your name, credit card number, its validity date,
 and a statement that you agree to be charged for one night in the case
  you cancel your reservatioin after April 30, 2006.

Approximate rate: 1.0 EUR = 3.8 PLN.