J. Łażewski, P. T. Jochym, P. Piekarz, M. Sternik, K. Parlinski, J. Cholewiński, P. Dłużewski, S. Krukowski
DFT modelling of the edge dislocation in 4H-SiC
J. Mater. Sci. (2019)
O. Sikora, J. Kalt, M. Sternik, A. Ptok, P. T. Jochym, J. Łażewski, K. Parlinski, P. Piekarz, I. Sergueev, H.-C. Wille, J. Herfort, B. Jenichen, T. Baumbach, and S. Stankov,
Ab initio and nuclear inelastic scattering studies of Fe3Si/GaAs heterostructures,
Phys. Rev. B 99 (2019) 134303
P. Piekarz, J. Łażewski, P. T. Jochym, M. Sternik, and K. Parlinski,
Vibrational properties and stability of FePt nanoalloys,
Phys. Rev. B 95 (2017) 134303 (DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.95.134303)
R. Kuna, R. Minikayev, M. Trzyna, K. Gas, A. Bosak, A. Szczerbakow, S. Petit, J. Łażewski, W. Szuszkiewicz,
Inelastic X-Ray Scattering Studies of Phonon Dispersion in PbTe and (Pb,Cd)Te Solid Solution,
Acta Phys. Pol. A 130 (2016) 1251
(DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.130.1251)
R. Kuna, S. Adamiak, S. Petit, P. Baroni, K. Gas, R. Minikayev, A. Szczerbakow, J. Łażewski, W. Szuszkiewicz,
Hardening of (Pb,Cd)Te Crystal Lattice with an Increasing CdTe Content in the Solid Solution,
Acta Phys. Pol. A 130 (2016) 1245
(DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.130.1245)
Paweł T. Jochym, Jan Łażewski, Małgorzata Sternik and Przemysław Piekarz,
Dynamics and stability of icosahedral Fe-Pt nanoparticles,
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 17 (2015) 28096 (DOI: 10.1039/C5CP00277J) arXiv:1501.07143
M. Sternik, S. Couet, J. Łażewski, P. T. Jochym, K. Parlinski, A. Vantomme, K. Temst, and P. Piekarz,
Dynamical properties of ordered Fe-Pt alloys,
J. Alloys Comp. 651 (2015) 528 (DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2015.08.097) arXiv:1501.05550
O. Bauder, P. Piekarz, A. Barla, I. Sergueev, R. Rüffer, J. Łażewski, T. Baumbach, K. Parlinski, and S. Stankov,
Lattice dynamics of the rare-earth element samarium,
Phys. Rev. B 88, 224303 (2013) (DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.88.224303)
- K. Tokár, P. T. Jochym, P. Piekarz, J. Łażewski, M. Sternik, K. Parlinski,
Thermodynamic Properties and Phase Stability of Wadsleyite II,
Phys. Chem. Minerals 40, 251 (2013) (DOI 10.1007/s00269-013-0565-9)
- Mariana Derzsi, Przemysław Piekarz, Kamil Tokár, Paweł T. Jochym, Jan Łażewski, Małgorzata Sternik, and Krzysztof Parlinski,
Comparative Ab Initio Study of Lattice Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Fe2SiO4- and Mg2SiO4-spinels,
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 23, 105401 (2011)
- J. Łażewski, P. Piekarz, and K. Parlinski,
Mechanism of the Phase Transitions in MnAs,
Physical Review B83, 054108 (2011)
- Kamil Tokár, Przemysław Piekarz, Mariana Derzsi, Paweł T. Jochym, Jan Łażewski, Małgorzata Sternik, Andrzej M. Oleś, and Krzysztof Parlinski,
Electronic and optical properties of the Mg2-xFexSiO4 spinel: From band insulator to Mott insulator,
Physical Review B82, 195116 (2010)
- P.T. Jochym, A.M. Oleś, K. Parlinski, J. Łażewski, P. Piekarz, and M. Sternik,
Structure and elastic properties of Mg(OH)2 from density functional theory,
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 22, 445403 (2010)
- K. Tokár, P.T. Jochym, K. Parlinski, J. Łażewski, P. Piekarz and M. Sternik,
DFT Study of Structure Stability and Elasticity of Wadsleyite II,
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 22, 145402 (2010)
- J. Łażewski, P. Piekarz, J. Toboła, B. Wiendlocha, P.T. Jochym, M. Sternik, and K. Parlinski,
Phonon Mechanism of the Magnetostructural Phase Transition in MnAs,
Physical Review Letters 104, 147205 (2010)
- S. Stankov, M. Sladecek, T. Ślezak, J. Łażewski, R. Röhlsberger, B. Sepiol, G. Vogl, A.I. Chumakov, R. Rüffer, N. Spiridis, M. Zajac, M. Ślezak, K. Parlinski, and J. Korecki,
Phonons in Iron Monolayers,
Journal of Physics: Conferences Series 217, 012144 (2010)
- Mariana Derzsi, Przemysław Piekarz, Paweł T. Jochym, Jan Łażewski, Małgorzata Sternik, Andrzej M. Oleś, and Krzysztof Parlinski,
Effects of Coulomb Interaction on the Electronic Structure and Lattice Dynamics of the Mott Insulator Fe2SiO4 Spinel,
Physical Review B79, 205105 (2009)
- P. Piekarz, M. Derzsi, P.T. Jochym, M. Sternik, J. Łażewski, K. Parlinski, and E.M. Serwicka,
Crystal Structure, Hydrogen Bonds, and Lattice Dynamics in Kanemite First-Principles Calculations,
Physical Review B79, 134105 (2009)
- S. Stankov, R. Rohlsberger, T. Ślęzak, M. Sladecek, B. Sepiol, G. Vogl, A.I. Chumakov, R. Ruffer, N. Spiridis, J. Łażewski, K. Parlinski, and J. Korecki,
Phonons in Iron: From the Bulk to an Epitaxial Monolayer,
Physical Review Letters 99, 185501 (2007)
- Jan Łażewski, Przemysław Piekarz, Andrzej M. Oleś, Józef Korecki, and Krzysztof Parlinski,
Magnetically Induced Dynamical Stability of a Fe Monolayer on W(110,
Physical Review B 76, 205427 (2007)
- T. Ślęzak, J. Łażewski, S. Stankov, K. Parlinski, R. Reitinger, M. Rennhofer, R. Rüffer, B. Sepiol, M. Ślęzak, N. Spiridis, M. Zając, A.I. Chumakov, and J. Korecki,
Phonons at the Fe(110) Surface ,
Physical Review Letters 99, 066103 (2007)
- H. Neumann, J. Łażewski, P.T. Jochym, and K. Parlinski,
Ab Initio Heat Capacity and Atomic Temperature Factors of Chalcopyrites ,
Physical Review B 75, 224301 (2007)
- J. Łażewski, J. Korecki, and K. Parlinski,
Phonons of (100) and (110) iron surfaces from first-principles calculations,
Physical Review B 75, 054303 (2007),
- J. Łażewski, P. Piekarz, A.M. Oleś, and K. Parlinski,
Influence of local electron interactions on phonon spectrum in iron,
Physical Review B 74, 174304 (2006),
- J. Łażewski, H. Neumann, and K. Parlinski,
Ab initio characterization of magnetic CuFeS2,
Physical Review B 70, 195206 (2004),
- J. Łażewski, P.T. Jochym, P. Piekarz, and K. Parlinski,
Quasiharmonic approach to a second-order phase transition,
Physical Review B 70, 104109 (2004),
- J. Łażewski, H. Neumann, K. Parlinski, G. Lippold, and B.J. Stanbery,
Lattice dynamics of CuAu-ordered CuInSe2,
Physical Review B 68, 144108 (2003),
- J. Łażewski, K. Parlinski, W. Szuszkiewicz, and B. Hennion,
Lattice dynamics of HgSe: neutron scattering measurements and ab initio studies,
Physical Review B 67, 094305 (2003),
- S. Klotz, P. Derollez, R. Fouret, M. Braden, B. Hennion, Ch. Hubert, F. Meducin, J. Łażewski, and J. Gonzalez,
Anomalous pressure dependence of acoustic phonons of AgGaSe2 investigated by inelastic neutron scattering to 4.3 GPa,
Physica Status Solidi (b) 235, 331 (2003),
- J. Łażewski, H. Neumann, P.T. Jochym, and K. Parlinski,
Ab initio elasticity of chalcopyrites,
Journal of Applied Physics 93, 3789 (2003),
- P. Piekarz, P.T. Jochym, K. Parlinski, and J. Łażewski,
High pressure and thermal properties of gamma-Mg2SiO4 from ab initio calculations,
Journal of Chemical Physics 117, 3340-3344 (2002),
- J. Łażewski, P.T. Jochym, and K. Parlinski,
Band structure, Born effective charges, and lattice dynamics of CuInS2 from ab initio calculations,
Journal of Chemical Physics 117, 2726-2731 (2002),
- P. Derollez, S. Klotz, J. Łażewski, M. Braden, B. Hennion, R. Fouret, and J. Gonzalez,
Pressure dependence of acoustic modes in AgGaSe2,
High Pressure Research 22, 283-286 (2001),
- K. Parlinski, J. Łażewski, P.T. Jochym, A. Chumakov, R. Rüffer, and G. Kresse,
Influence of magnetic interaction on lattice dynamics of FeBO3,
Europhysics Letters 56, 275-281 (2001),
- J. Łażewski, P.T. Jochym, K. Parlinski, and P. Piekarz,
Lattice dynamics of Mg2SiO4,
Journal of Molecular Structure 596, 3-6 (2001),
- J. Łażewski and K. Parlinski,
Lattice dynamics of AgGaS2 from ab initio calculations,
Journal of Chemical Physics 114, 6734-6738 (2001),
- J. Łażewski and K. Parlinski,
Dynamical properties of pnictide ZnSnP2 from ab initio calculations,
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 328, 162-165 (2001),
- J. Łażewski and K. Parlinski,
Phonons in HgSe and AgGaSe2 crystals from first-principles calculations,
Molecular Physics Reports 31, 81-83 (2001),
- J. Łażewski and K. Parlinski,
Phonons in chalcopyrite crystals within the force field approach,
Physica Status Solidi (b) 218, 411-416 (2000),
- K. Parlinski, J. Łażewski, and Y. Kawazoe,
Ab initio studies of phonons in MgO by the direct method including LO mode,
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 61, 87-90 (2000),
- J. Łażewski and K. Parlinski,
First-principles calculations for phonons in AgGaX2 (X=Se,Te) chalcopyrite crystals,
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 11, 9673-9678 (1999),
- J. Łażewski, K. Parlinski, B. Hennion, and R. Fouret,
First-principles calculations of the lattice dynamics of CuInSe2,
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 11, 9665-9672 (1999),
- E. Rokita, G. Tatoń, J. Łażewski, and H.-F. Nolting,
Thermal Conversion of Sr-contaminated Brushite into Calcium Pyrophosphate - EXAFS Studies of Sr Coordination,
Universitatis Jagellonicae, Folia Physica, XXXIX, 155 (1998),
- A. Kisiel, J. Łażewski, M. Zimnal-Starnawska, E. Burattini, and A. Mycielski,
Site occupation preferences in CdMnTeSe quaternary alloys. EXAFS data analysis,
Journal de Physic IV France 7, C2-1197 (1997),
- J. Konior, J. Łażewski, and A. Kisiel,
Random microscopic model of quaternary alloys,
Acta Physica Polonica A 91, 815-818 (1997),
- A. Kisiel, J. Łażewski, and M. Zimnal-Starnawska,
Manganese distribution in CdMnTeSe crystals. EXAFS data analysis,
Acta Physica Polonica A 90, 1032-1034 (1996),
- J. Łażewski, M. Zimnal-Starnawska, A. Kisiel, F. Boscherini, S. Pascarelli, and W. Giriat,
Local Structure in Zn(1-x)Mn(x)S: EXAFS Study,
Physica Status Solidi (b) 197, 7-12 (1996),
- E. Rokita, J. Łażewski, C. Hermes, and H.-F. Nolting,
The Heating-Induced Conversion of Sr-Contaminated Brushite - EXAFS Data Analysis,
Acta Physica Polonica A 86, 767-770 (1994),
- M. Zimnal-Starnawska, J. Łażewski, A. Kisiel, F. Boscherini, S. Pascarelli, and W. Giriat,
EXAFS Studies of Zn(1-x)Mn(x)S Ternary Compounds,
Acta Physica Polonica A 86, 763-766 (1994),